It is a document which comprises the information about inspection [ when,where,how,
drawing numbers, necessary codes etc]  of a equipment , building,any steel works
such as piping,plant construction  etc  from material stage to finished goods stage.
usually service providers will be making this document and approval for the same
will be given by client after review.

The purpose of an Inspection and Test Plan is to put together in a single document that records
all inspection and testing requirements relevant to a specific process. On a construction contract
the process is likely to be a construction activity, element of work, trade work or providing a
product section. An Inspection and Test Plan identifies the items of materials and work to be
inspected or tested, by whom and at what stage or frequency, as well as Hold and Witness
Points, references to relevant standards, acceptance criteria and the records to be maintained.
Inspection and Test Plans, when properly implemented, help ensure that, and verify whether,
work has been undertaken to the required standard and requirements, and that records are kept.

1.2 Glossary

Hold Point - A ‘hold’ point defines a point beyond which work may not proceed without the
authorization of a designated service provider or authority.
This ‘designated service provider or authority’ might be an agency's or other
customer’s representative/authorized person, or a regulatory authority
 representative, or it may be the service provider inspecting its service provider
 or employee or agent.

Witness Point - A ‘witness’ point provides a party (such as the customer, service provider and a
regulatory authority) with the opportunity to witness the inspection or test or
aspect of the work, at their discretion.

Surveillance - Intermittent monitoring of any stage of the work in progress (whether by the
service provider or customer).

Self inspection - Where the service provider performing the work verifies the quality progressively
- often with the aid of checklists.

Work area - A discrete section of the whole work, usually defined by location, where any
trade work or activity would be completed before it moves onto another area.

Examples include a wall, a room, a building, a length of pipeline between
manholes and the like. Also referred to as lots.

1.3 Roles and Responsibilities

There are no set rules as to who, in a service provider organization, should document Inspection
and Test Plans. It is appropriate, however, that they receive input from those with a good
technical and practical knowledge of, and experience in, the activities involved. The use,
understanding and acceptance of ITPS by inspectors and other personnel will generally be
greatly enhanced if they are involved in their preparation.

The service provider is responsible for ensuring that all the required Inspection and Test Plans
are prepared, including those covering work or processes to be carried out by its service
providers. While it is preferable that its service providers prepare the tips for their own work, in
the final analysis some may require the service provider’s involvement and approval of the same.

A senior representative of the service provider would be made responsible for approving
Inspection and Test Plans, and any subsequent amendments, prior to their submission or
submission of compliance/conformity certification to the customer. The contract conditions would
define the submissions to the customer and any responses required.

1.4 Overview

The following steps are involved in documenting Inspection and Test Plans for a construction
contract: -

Step 1 Read the contract documents (including the technical specifications) and prepare a
list of any discrepancies, ambiguities, missing information and standards of materials
and/or workmanship that it is considered are inappropriate.

Step 2 Contact the customer and resolve the issues listed as a result of Step 1.

Step 3 Examine the scope of work and divide it into separate areas requiring an Inspection
and Test Plan (where not already prescribed in the contract documents). As a
general guide it is normally most convenient to document a separate Inspection and
Test Plan for each trade or work area/section.

Step 4 Note the Hold and Witness Points required by the customer (including as listed in the
contract documents).

Step 5 Review the contract documents again and note the requirements that have the most
impact on the quality of the finished work. For each ask the question “What will be
the consequences if it is not made sure this is right?” Be certain to include any
references to tests, submitting information to the customer, obtaining approvals and
Hold and Witness Points (see 1.6.9 for further information).

Step 6 Determine from Step 5 which items or aspects of each inspection will need to be
recorded on checklists and prepare these.

Step 7 Discuss the checklists with those directly involved with the work and obtain their input.
This input should particularly be directed at identifying those issues that have caused
problems (and involved extra costs) in the past, and therefore warrant checking at the
earliest opportunity to avoid unnecessary and costly rectification.

Step 8 Prepare each Inspection and Test Plan to reflect the requirements of the contract
documents. Reference the ITP in the Quality Management Plan and cross-reference
to the other related ITPs.

Step 9 Issue each Inspection and Test Plan and/or associated certification to the customer
for consideration within a reasonable period prior to commencing the work described
in the Plan and adjust them to suit any comment received (or act as otherwise
required in the contract documents).

Step 10 Decide how best to divide the whole of the work into work areas for control purposes
and indicate these locations either on a schedule (with reference to grids and levels)
or by marking up drawings.

Step 11 Prepare and issue checklists for each work area and identify them according to

Step 12 Train those directly involved with each of the ITP in their use. Formalise a procedure
for the notification of Witness and Hold Points to the appropriate person(s).

Step 13 Carry out inspections and tests in accordance with the Inspection and Test Plans,
provide notices to the customer and/or regulatory authorities for Hold or Witness
Points, as designated or applicable, and record the results on checklists.

1.5 Contract particulars

Record the following contract particulars on each of the Inspection and Test Plans: -
- Contract Name
- Contract Number
- Description of process/activities for that particular Inspection and Test Plan.